The Constitutional Review Committee Is Now Up And Running

We encourage Citizens to bring forward their issues with TKC’s Constitution to the Five representatives from the Traditional Families:

Maggie Broeren – Delilah Pillai

Chief Jim Boss – Shirley Beattie

Susie Jim – Bonnie Harpe

Jenny LeBarge – Jackie Bazett

Jenny Dawson – Gloria Peters

This Committee will be meeting twice a month to review the Constitution ahead of the Fall 2019 TKC General Assembly.

You may choose to contact the members individually or you may send your issues to Clerk of the Council, Elisha Sidoun at and specify to what members you want your issues forwarded.

If you are unsure if it is a Constitutional Issue, you should still contact the above-mentioned.

The quality and inclusiveness of the Committee work increases with the participation we get from Citizens!