“The mission of our Citizens and its government is to provide, promote, protect and sustain a healthy and strong lifestyle for our Citizens and future generations consistent with the traditional values of the Ta’an Kwäch’än, through governing our natural, human and financial resources effectively.”

A Time for Ceremony!

The Swearing in Ceremony for newly elected Chief Ruth Massie (at right) and Deputy Chief Michelle Telep (at left) was well attended by Citizens on October 24, 2024. TKC Elder Brenda Sam presided over the ceremonies, which included speeches, gift giving and lots of visiting. Both outgoing Chief Amanda Leas and Deputy Chief Kristina Kane were also honoured for their commitment during their past terms of office.


TKC’s Wellness Department is able to assist with online booking for vaccinations or for extra support needs, please contact Natalie Hare at (867) 668-3613 ext. 402 or email  adminassist@taan.ca