Community Statement on Yukon Opioid Crisis

Jan 19, 2022

Ta’an Kwäch’än Council would like to express our deep condolences for the recent tragic losses in Yukon. We grieve with the families and are here to support you. Since our new year began, these drug-related losses are now increasing at an alarming rate right in our backyards. We have lost young ones, citizens, members of our community to the tainted drugs that now fill our streets. Our whole community in Yukon is hurting. The opioid crisis must be at the forefront of this territory’s priorities, as we cannot lose another member of our community.

We are asking everyone to rise-up and take a strong stance against these criminals who are bringing these illicit drugs into our territory only to take advantage of some of our most vulnerable. We have a serious drug issue in Yukon, and we cannot turn our heads. The statistics are troubling and break our hearts. We must come together and address this head on – as governments, non-profit organizations, RCMP, citizens of our community. We need to work together to get these drugs out of our territory and to help those at risk.

Drug use does not “clock out” at a convenient hour, nor should the supports put in place to keep our citizens safe.

We must show our love and support for all those who are suffering and help ensure they know what supports are in place in a time of need. Educate your loved ones on the resources available to help people who are using or thinking of using. We need to share this information with them, help them to get what they need, and always give them our love and attention.

As we face yet another health emergency, let us come together, support one another, love one another and ensure we can all live safe and healthy lives. It is our strength, endurance, and our love that will help us to hold each other up.

In solidarity,
Chief Amanda Leas

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