YESAB Public Comment Period Open 2016 r1

2016-0064 Map Package (2)

The Proponent is applying for a water licence renewal to operate and to renovate its hot springs facility, with a maximum water acquisition rate of 560 mP3P per day. The new facility will consist of three components: public, rental, and Nordic spa pool areas (total of six pools, total volume 60 mP3P), and include three cold water plunge pools, a steam room and sauna, as well as a new heat exchange system. The existing evaporation pond (approx. 0.8 ha, 16 000 mP3P) will be maintained. The Proponent will build an additional pond (approx. 0.4 ha, 4 000 mP3P) and water discharge stream (following the original channel for approx. 150 m) to provide for additional chlorine evaporation and water treatment. The Proponent will install a septic system, and also recycle grey water for landscaping use (winter skating area). Construction activities are proposed to occur from 2016 through the summer of 2018, with operations and monitoring activities as required for the life of the pool facility (approx. 50 years). The existing facility will remain open until the new facility is completed, at which point it will be decommissioned. Work areas will be fenced off from the public. Work crews will stay in the campground and hostel facilities; no work camp is required.