The Yukon Government (YG), Department of Environment will be issuing permits in response to elk/agriculture conflicts in the Takhini River Valley. It is anticipated that directed hunting will influence elk behavior and they will begin to avoid these areas.

YG wants to ensure that TKC citizens have the opportunity to participate. Interested TKC citizens will be added to a call up list of interested elk hunters that are capable of hunting within 24 hours and can complete the hunt within 7 days.

If you are interested in participating, please provide your contact information (name and phone number) to Lands, Resources and Heritage (LRH) as soon as possible to ensure that you are on the call out list. LRH will assist all interested citizens in obtaining a Yukon hunting license which is free to First Nations.

YG Conservation Officer Services Branch will contact the willing hunter and issue a permit. Hunters will be directed to the conflict zone through Yukon Environment.

The hunter will be required to complete mandatory reporting, as well as, remove all remains to ensure other wildlife are not attracted to the area.

For further information and assistance, please contact

Phil Emerson – Renewable Resources Technician       668-3613- Extension 291