Lands, Resources and Heritage


Winter 2024


    TKC gets FireSmart!

    TKC Housing and Lands and Resources staff all completed FireSmart Steward training put on by the City of Whitehorse in September. TKC also welcomed their new FireSmart crew for 2024, Malachi Lavalee and Duran Simon. TKC’s GIS Analyst, Casey Cardinal, created a fire resiliency home assessment survey for Malachi and Duran to use to assist Citizens in helping to keep homes Firesmart.

    Southern Lakes Caribou Relationship Plan needs your input!

    While we have had many good conversations with Southern Lakes citizens, the Caribou Steering Committee have not really received much feedback about their draft Relationship Plan. In order to fill this gap, and in recognition of the continued interest by some parties to have additional time, the submission deadline for comments from Citizens has been extended until December 6. Please scan the QR code to submit your feedback about the ‘draft plan’:

    Salmon in the Schools

    TKC’s Fish and Wildlife Coordinator, Kim Koyczan, and Natural Resources Coordinator, Kate Andre, joined the Salmon in the Schools program at Jack Hulland Elementary School to bring knowledge about TKC’s salmon stewardship projects, and why salmon are so important to Ta’an Kwäch’än.

    Water Quality Monitoring Program

    TKC Lands Monitors and Natural Resources Coordinator continue their water quality monitoring program supported by Yukon River Intertribal Watershed Council. A report summarizing water quality in the Traditional Territory is expected in the New Year.