Wellness and Development




Current Projects

Building Employment Capacity for TKC Citizens. In March 2014 TKC Health, Education and Human Resources began working together to develop strategies and services to help TKC Citizens get the skills needed to get a job.  We can help you one-on-one or in a workshop.

Services available:

  • Information about and referrals to employment related resources in Whitehorse
  • Assessment of employment skills and interests
  • Life Skills Development to address barriers to employment
  • Career planning support
  • Employability and Skills Training
  • Post-Secondary Student Support
  • Access to work-experience placements and internships
  • Work gear and transportation assistance when starting a new job
  • Assistance in writing Resumes and Cover Letters
  • Practice Interviews
  • “Post Board” debriefing for unsuccessful applicants on TKC positions


Heather Griffiths Wellness Manager 409 wellnessmanager@taan.ca
Stephanie Horton Income and Social Support Worker 406 incomeassistance@taan.ca
Charlene Burns Health and Wellness Coordinator 407 healthandwellness@taan.ca
Patricia Boss Home Care Worker 404 pboss@taan.ca
Vacant Elders Coordinator 404
Isabelle Dewhurst Family Support Worker 405 familysupport@taan.ca
Vacant Acting Development Manager 408 developmentmanager@taan.ca
Vacant Youth Outreach Support Worker 334-8306 youthsupport@taan.ca
Barb Crawford Education and Employment Training Coordinator 410 training@taan.ca
Kaitlyn Sylvester Education Support Worker 401 educationsupport@taan.ca
Vacant Community Education Liason Coordinator 413 celc@taa.ca